Please tell me how boys can turn sane, independent, confident, self assured women into nutbars! Seriously!
I have been having this conversation now for the last week or so with various girlfriends who are currently on the dating scene.
Now let me tell you these girls are amazing! And not just because they're my friends! They really are! They are gorgeous, independent, self assured, confident, succesful women! They are beautiful, intelligent and so much fun to be around. Yet when a boy arrives in their lives. It turns them into turmoil!
He said this what did it mean? He txtd I replied but he didnt txt back? He txtd me everyday then stopped, he's answered someone on facebook but ignored me etc etc etc!
Now my girls THANKFULLY know not to go all crazy chick and start harassing these poor guys to death! (Well....so they tell me ;) ) but we all agreed we can seriously see how some may convince themselves its the way to go!
We have "rules" which may seem pathetic and childish! But I think are to gain some control! Rule one never txt first! Hence the hours, days waiting for txts! Some think there are no rules now! Just txt! etc etc! But we have a theory that if you're the one to do all the chasing in the beginning, you will end up being the chaser throughout.
But HOW do these boys arrive in our lives and cause such chaos! And confusion, self doubt! Make a confident girl suddenly check her phone every 5 mins for a txt, IM, BBM, email, FB message ARGGHHH! too many ways to be contacted nowadays!
But all in all the waiting around, wondering, butterflies, expectation is pretty fun :) x