I find it so funny that you can not think of someone or something at all for months or even years. It's not longer a factor in your life then a dream of this person will come up and it throws up all the old emotions, feelings, fears, desires. A simple dream that you have no control over, that means nothing (as much as you may want it to!) and that was subconscious.
The dream can be as short as a few seconds, it can be just a glimpse of this person or thing but it can turn your emotions completely upside down so that you are once again wondering, wishing, reminiscing.
And theres nothing you can do about it. It was a dream! It meant nothing even though it appeared to? even though it seemed to be trying to tell you something or convey a hidden message. Even though it was so lifelike and real it MUST have been trying to tell you something!
You wait...in case it did! In case it was a psychic vision of something to come? Of someone that will get in touch, of old emotions being stirred up for not just you but them too. But nothing comes of it. Just stirred up old memories that you thought you had long forgotten and emotions you thought had been shelved.
Its impossible to believe that when this person or thing has not been on your mind at all, in anyway shape or form for the longest time that it doesn't mean anything when they pop up in your dream. That it isn't a sign or in insight of what could be? Why else would your unconscious brain bring this person (or thing lol) back into your thoughts and dreams?
Hard to understand and accept its for no reason at all.x
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