It appears to mean when you are single you have to accept every single offer for a social event for fear Mr Right could be at said social event and you miss him!
I yesterday was invited to a friend of a friends birthday. Which was very nice to be asked! But after two very busy days I just wanted to stay in, put a hair treatment and face pack on and watch chick flicks.
This was pointed out to me as "turning down a night out to meet people, to watch films about other people meeting people"
Of course coming from a "smug married" person!
it baffles me how singletons going out every night, to any event, whether they know the people inviting them very well or not is any less "desperate" looking as those that are seemingly desperate for trawling the internet for dates. (smug marrieds see this as desperate, not me I would hasten to add!) I barely knew the people out last night apart from one, and yes what a fab opportunity to meet new people! But when you want to stay in.....why when you're single do you need to justify that?!
Mr Right may well have been out last night, or Mr Right may well have stayed in watching sports, or went away for Easter OR Mr Right may.......not exist! (imagine!!)
But I enjoyed my evening of chick flicks and chocolate and refuse to feel bad for doing so!!x
While I am married, I'm definitely not a smug-married but your post struck a chord with me! I was single for over seven years. During that time I went on dates ...some good...some bad but the worst dates I ever had was when friends encouraged me to go on dates or tried to set me up with their boyfriend's friends. I think smug-marrieds forget about when they were single (I still remember what it was like and I loved doing the things I wanted whether it was going away for a weekend, going out for a night or just staying in because I wanted too!). Keep doing what you are doing (and do it fabulously) and you'll find the person for you and not the person your friends think you should be with.xx PS Love and Other Drugs is a good flick to watch. xx