The thing is in this world we all learn the hard way whether we want to, mean to or not! Its just how it is.
I continually seem to learn this way, although I do find it is the most effective way of learning.
And you also learn no matter what, nothing is ever as it seems. Just when life begins to sale along nicely...something or someone will pull the rug from under you, and even if you're prepared or expected it, it still knocks you off course.
I think the worst type of lesson learned is that between business and pleasure. And it is THE most commonly learned lesson of them all. So if this sadly a lesson you have come across yourself, please dont feel bad! I believe everyone at some point or another has had to go through this lesson in life! And even the sharks of the world or those who would sell their grandmother for a sale or promotion learned it from somewhere!
We've all got pally with people from work, how can you not sometimes?! You guys spend more time with work colleagues than you do your own family. So its inevitable relationships will form.
Sometimes these relationships take you to a friendship with your Manager even. And even though you KNOW this is a bad road to go down, you head down it anyway! Your boss is great! Your boss is different, and down to earth and amazingly supportive and understanding. And they are. BUT.....only until something comes up to affect them. Then I'm afraid dear kiddies you are for the chopper.
And its not their fault, I have to stress. They want to be friends with everyone they work with, of course they do! Everyone wants a little family at work to make the day more enjoyable! But when it comes to promises and lies....they are not going to pull any punches.
As long as you're aware of that friend away your bosses and colleagues!
I think when the particular boss in question made the promises they made they thought they would come true, sadly they didnt and you cant help but feel cheated and resentful BUT you had to know it was coming! Ultimately their interests are themselves, then the organisation. Your friendship sadly....was just an innocent bystander.xxx
Urgh! I agree, it's tough to come to the realisation that everyone is in it just for themselves. But it;s always a lesson learned. great blog! x London Zest
ReplyDeleteAhh thanks Emily!!! I'm sorry you learned this too! But hey....means we're the exception - nice people hey?xxx