Well. Isn't it just ALWAYS the way!
You leave for work, a little later than planned as you took a bit too long in the shower this morning so something had to give. It's either your hair that you can fix once you get to work, or your makeup you can do at your desk, or your nails you can paint at your desk also (if you have nice bosses this is!) or you can eat breakfast on the run?
My giver was lip gloss.
No big deal of course! I meant to slap it in on as I left the car as without it the rest of my face looks ridiculously made up! And my lips pale and naked.
Girls of lip gloss love you will know what I'm talking about!
But I didn't! I ran from my car with my coffee to make it into the office in time and only had a few minutes to spare. Not long enough to lip gloss on the run! Besides its early! Who's going to know!
So run run run I go from the car, quick quick before boss gets in! Through the car park, down the side alley, across the atrium and BAM.....there he is.....Mr work hotty. Dam it!
Of course Mr work Hotty is only EVER around when I look awful!
One day I came in hair scraped back, barely a stitch of makeup, shoes that didn't match my outfit at all, flat shoes at that and the most unflattering coat I owned.
Hey! Sometimes?? We just cant be bothered ok! We're allowed one mishap day!
And there he was, everywhere I went! Urgh!
The days I think I look ok he's never around. Its sadly the law of the sod!
Now don't get me wrong, Mr Work Hotty is hot! of course! Or I wouldn't be calling him that! BUT.....I don't know if he'd be for me? I dunno! He seems lovely! Again don't get me wrong, he's great! But I don't know if I would actually want to date him? Or if its just the fact that he is hot I hate feeling rubbish around him?
But then if I didn't like him?.....would I care how I looked around him? ARGH!
ANYWAY...he was there and he had his back to me deep in conversation with someone who had just called him over, PERFECT! I can slide right on past unnoticed until I have sufficiently glossed! Fabulous.
So I walk very quickly and determinedly straight to the lifts when....uh oh.....another female colleague approaches and I try to seem like I haven't seen her but she doesn't care and out it comes "Heeeeeyy!!! Good morning you!!" as loud as was humanly possible without shouting! And of course Mr Hottie and guy he's chatting to spin round to see who he's yelling to.
Gee thanks for the thrust on me attention!
So I reply hey, and say hey to the guys as friendly as possible with my freaky pale lips and made up face and just keep heading for those stairs, run run run its ok they wont have seen I was far away! Right?!
So I'm two flights up...phew....until I hear a name.....my name??!! Uh oh....Its Mr Hotty calling up the stairs to me. Damit. My lack of gloss is foiled. I'm forced to wait and make conversation. Minus lip gloss.
Over reacting???? Well you've clearly never had a hotty at work then! ;) xxx
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